


原作者: jery20462|来自: 查看详细|25-2-2006 12:53

摘要: STRONGFONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=519. the one where monkey gets away/FONT/STRONG DIV PFONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5Just so long as ...BR只要... /FONT PFONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5 ...
<STRONG><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>19. the one where monkey gets away</FONT></STRONG>
<P><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>Just so long as ...<BR>只要... </FONT>
<P><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5></FONT></P><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>nudity<BR>(电影里)裸体镜头 </FONT>
<p><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>i've got to go<BR>我得走了  i'd better be going now </FONT>
<p><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>you're gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's<BR>你明天去Rachel阿姨家 </FONT>
<p><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>hang on, hang on<BR>= wait a sec </FONT>
<p><FONT face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=5>★★★★★get a say in ...<BR>(关于...)能说几句吗?</FONT></DIV>[em07][em07]
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