

已有 767 次阅读7-6-2009 23:54 |个人分类:宠物狗狗|


Pets’   Marketing   Survey


一、            新加坡,宠物狗中最常饲养的品种是                                     

In Singapore, which pet are commonly adopted by people?

A. 吉娃娃           B.西施犬         C.金毛寻回犬         D.雪纳瑞          E.猎狐梗

Chihuahua           Shih Tzu         Golden Retriever        Mini Schnauzer       Fox Terrier


二、            在新加坡,宠物主人喜欢将宠物狗的风格设计为                           

In Singapore, which kind of style does most of their owner style their pet?

A.  可爱型Cute         B.休闲型Casual          C.时尚型Trendy         D.气质型Elegance


三、            在新加坡,宠物狗中最喜欢的玩具是                              

In Singapore, what are the common toys played by the pet?

A.  毛绒玩具Furnish soft toy        B.骨头(毛绒)(塑胶)Dog Bone (Soft) (plastic type)


四、            在新加坡,宠物狗喜欢穿衣服吗?

In Singapore, do pet likes to put on clothe on themselves?

喜欢Like                     A.可爱Cute      B.卫生Hygiene       C.舒服Comfort           D.健康Healthy

不喜欢Dislike            E.很热Hot       F.难受Discomfort  G.麻烦Troublesome  H.很贵Expensive


五、            在新加坡,宠物狗最需要是的什么?(食物除外)                              

In Singapore, what do most of the pet needs most? (Exclude foods)

A.  衣服Clothe       B.洗发露和护发素Bathing form         C.除口臭系列D.   毛梳Comb


六、            在新加坡,宠物狗喜欢小窝        A         或者垫子            B            

In Singapore, most of the pet will prefer house or cushion?


七、            在新加坡,大众对于宠物狗的用品,在什么价位更容易接受                      

In Singapore, what kind of ranging does most of their pet owner will spend their money on it?

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Amy-jialing1206 ID 333992

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