
学生作文中最忌讳的clichés收集 (ZT)

已有 230 次阅读28-9-2011 14:25 |系统分类:牛文转载

General clichés

Fun is good
Always look on the bright sight of life
To be or not to be
Live and learn
Live and let live
Must I live my days in these concrete ways
C'est la vie
Shit happens
Que sera, sera
Life is life
What goes around comes around
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans
Life is messy
Don't worry, be happy !
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
Love comes around while doing things you like
Laughter is the best medicine
Same shit, different day
Smile. It makes people wonder
Carpe diem

For when you feel really bad

There is harmony in disharmony
Behind the clouds, the sun is shining
It could be worse
It will be worse
Feeling bad is just a new sensation
Tomorrow is another day
I will survive
Every cloud has a silver lining
There is a light at the end of the tunnel
After the rain comes a rainbow
It's always darkest before the dawn
It has to get worse, before it gets better
Every rose has its thorn
Midnight is where the day begins
Cheer up, it's not the end of the world
This too, shall pass
Life's not so bad, when you consider the alternative
The sharper is the berry, the sweeter is the wine

For when you are waiting, just waiting for something to happen

All good things come to those that wait
Zero is sometimes better than nothing
Time is a cure
Give space to time, and time will fill space
One day I will wake up, and it will all fit together
Time will tell
This is a process of eliminating options
The waiting is the hardest part
Waiting always lasts long
Some day my ship will come in
No news is good news

For when you are looking for something and you don't know for what

Secrets are secret
It keeps me from the street
Life is so short, I want to experience as much as possible
Everything is vanity
The more things change, the more they stay the same

For when you are looking for truth

La verité est toujours l'idée de tout le monde
Wisdom is not truth
There are lies, damned lies and statistics
Truth is nothing but a feeling that something is true
Who cares about reasoning anyway
Truth is relative
There is no comfort in the truth
The truth is just as meaningful as the lie

For when you can not make a decision

When in doubt, consult your inner child
If it doesn't come naturally, leave it
Making a decision is easy: when the difference is big you know what to choose, and when the difference is small, it does not really matter what you chose
Making a bad decision is better than making no decision at all
Importance is always relative
Indecision is the key to flexibility

For when there is too much work

There will come a day when all the work is finished or when it is too late to finish it
Most of the work is being done to counter the effects of other people’s work: when we all agree to work half as much, the total result would be the same.
Most people don’t even know why they feel they have to work
When the work is done, I will have time for myself
The world goes to shit when I don’t do this first
You get nothing for free
Poor planning on your part does not create an emergency on my part
Hurry when you have time, then you'll have time when you are in a hurry
I always complained because my work was being interupted - until I realised the interuptions were my work.
Haste makes waste
If you had time to do it twice, you had time to do it right the first time

For when life is hard

It would not be fun when life is so easy
It is a good experience, it makes me stronger
I take the challenge
Life is hard
Life sucks, and then you die...
Life is not hard, it only needs some positive thinking
Life is a bitch
Of course life is hard, that's why they pay you the big bucks
Such is life, and it's getting sucher and sucher
La via esta duro, amigo
Life is unfair
Life is a series of disappointments, followed by death
I used to think I had it bad because I had no shoes, then I met a man with no feet
Most of the mountains we have in life are ones we build ourselves.
When God gives you lemons, make lemonade

For when someone broke your heart

There will be another one
At least it was a very interesting experience
He/she will be sorry
He/she wasn't worth it anyway
I am better off alone
I love being free, it's the best way to be
There are plenty more fish in the sea
Love hurts
One lost, ten found
It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all
All is fair in love and war

For when you feel like a loser

If you can't beat them, join them
Winners need their losers
I am playing my own game
I am not one of those
My time will come
The first will be the last
Never forget that you are unique, just like everybody else
You can win by not losing
The meek shall inherit the earth
Maybe I am a loser, but at least no one knows
Winning is about power, not about the quality of your weapons
You are a loser only when you fail to try
The brick that the builder once rejected in the long run becomes the chief corner stone

For when you think you are ugly

It is the inside that really matters
Beauty is a matter of taste
Popularity (admiration) is not love
I have other qualities
Beauty is only skin deep
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
You can't tell a book by its outside cover
Beauty is only a lightswitch away
I'm not ugly, I'm visually challenging
I don't give a ****! Your the one who has to look at me!!

For when you are in pain

No pain, no gain
Pain is resistance
Better feeling pain than feeling nothing at all
If it doesn't kill me, it makes me stronger
Pain is nature's way of telling you that you are still alive
Pain is weakness leaving the body
Pain is no protection against more pain
It'll feel better when it stops hurting

For when you feel lonely

We are all alone
At least I do not have to count with someone else
It is my life
There are no words for emptiness
Everyone might hate me, but still I am alive
With visions of redemption, I walk against the crowd
If you can't enjoy your company, how could anyone else?

For when you are afraid

It's only fear that makes you run
It's only fear that makes you stay
No guts, no glory
I have to face my fear
Better afraid than blind to my fears
If you always do what you always have done, you'll only have what you have now
There is nothing to fear but fear itself

For when you have done something really stupid

I just followed my intuition
It will be good for something
I am trying to escape from something, I think that I am just not ready to face it
I am looking for something, this is my way to find it
I always do things like this
Sorry, I did not mean to hurt you
Nobody is perfect
It happens to the best
I can't change the past
Well, at least I know that I am capable of... (beating wife, getting drunk, etc.).
...but my intention was good
It is my mess, and finally I got something for myself
If nothing else, I can always serve as a bad example
I'm only human
The devil made me do it
Doing stupid things is my way of making my life interesting
Everybody has the right to make mistakes
Tomorrow, no one will remember
It seemed like a good idea at the time
The one who makes no mistakes does none of the work

For when something terrible has happened to you

I guess I just have to accept it
Everything is relative
Life goes on
I always knew that this could happen
It probably prevented something worse happening
Sometimes you get the bear....and sometimes the bear gets you
Worse things happen at sea
When it rains, it pours
When the pony dies, the ride is over
There must be a reason

For when you are trying very hard and not having any success

One step at a time
You can't have it all
When at first you don't succeed, try try again
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going
Rome was not built in one day
When you are not strong, you must be smart
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that suggests you tried
The road to success is always under construction
If all else fails, manipulate the data
If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success

For when you have to say goodbye

Goodbye is not an easy word to say
Partir, c'est mourir un peu
Have a nice life
You'll find your way to heaven, I'll meet you when you are there
I will always remember you
Parting is such sweet sorrow
The sun in your eyes made some of the lies worth believing

For when you are dead

Mourir, c'est partir un peu
Well, at least I tried
I guess that was it
Next time better
I did it my way
Death is just a part of life... the last part
It's a new life every day
Death is a gateway that leads to new life
You see? I told you I was sick!

Clichés on clichés

Clichés: each of them makes something easier, but all of them together make things very complicated
No one owns clichés
Clichés are never new
Clichés sound better in a foreign language
A cliché just describes the feeling or the pretended feeling, it does not change it
There is truth in every cliché
Avoid cliches like the plague

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