
新加坡剑桥O水准课程学生见证 为什么我会选择YMCA学校?

已有 301 次阅读6-6-2012 10:53 |系统分类:心情原创

Why I choose YMCA School
The teachers here are friendly, caring and passionate about teaching. Unlike private schools, discipline as YMCA is very strict. Students are required to wear uniforms and have at least 90% attendance. In such an environment, I can study well with my peers, persue a good ‘O’ level education and go into a course I enjoy in a polytechnic. I definitely enjoy my days in YMCA. Given the chance to choose again, I would still choose YMCA. As I have a good relationship with the teachers and friends here. Experiences like these really change my life for the better.

Eugene Ng, Singapore


这里的老师都很友好,关心学生并且对教学充满[关键词屏蔽]。 不像其它的私立学校,YMCA学校的校规校纪非常严格,学生必须每天穿校服并且保证有90%以上的出勤率。 在这样的一个环境里, 我可以和同学们一起好好学习,接受一个非常好的“O”水准教育然后可以考入到我梦想的理工学院继续学习。我确实非常喜欢在YMCA学校学习的日子,如果再给我一次机会, 我还是会选择YMCA学校。我和YMCA学校的老师和同学有非常密切和友好的关系。在YMCA学校的经历将会让我受益终生。
Eugene Ng, 新加坡

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