
Number Your Day

已有 185 次阅读10-5-2013 09:52 |个人分类:读后感|系统分类:生活原创| Number, your, days

Don't take for granted the people in your life. They won't always be here. You and I will not always be here. Yet sometimes we act and live as if we're invincible. But life is like a vapor. We're here one moment and gone the next. I heard somebody put it like this:"We say to ourselves, Today is just an ordinary day. So we wait, and while we wait the clock ticks. Precious moment pass by. But in reality there is no such thing as an ordinary day."
Every day is a gift, unique and irreplaceable. Its hours may be used or misused, invested or wasted. We should learn to number our days.
Recomposed as---<EVERY DAY A FRIDAY>


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