
诸世界是借 神的话造成的The worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD

已有 116 次阅读31-10-2014 11:20 |系统分类:情感原创

诸世界是借 神的话造成


我们因着信,就知道诸世界是借 神话造成的。这样,所看见的并不是从显然之物造出来的(希伯来11:3


















The worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD


Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

 (Hebrews 11:3)


Dear Brothers and Sisters,


GOD uses words to create. HE used HIS WORD to "frame" the worlds. Just look in the first chapter of Genesis and count how many times you see the phrase, "GOD said." "GOD said, Let there be light: and there was light.... GOD said, Let there be a firmament.... GOD said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together.... GOD said, Let the earth bring forth...."


GOD doesn't do anything without saying it first. That's HIS mode of operation. And, if you're smart, you'll use that mode of operation too. You'll take HIS words and speak them out until they take on form and substance and become a reality in your life.


You may say to me, "Well, Brother Victor, I tried that and it didn't work. I said, 'By HIS stripes I'm healed' four times and nothing happened."


GOD started saying that JESUS was coming in the Garden of Eden. HE said it again in Exodus. HE said it again in Numbers and Deuteronomy. HE said it in Isaiah and the other prophets. HE said it all through the Old Testament, over and over again.


Then after about 4,000 years, the book of John tells us, "The WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us."


So if you've said you're healed four times and nothing's happened, don't worry about it. Just keep saying it in faith and started living a life of obedient to GOD’s teachings and blessings will come! You might think it's taking a long time to manifest, but I'll guarantee you, it won't take 4,000 years.


Do you want to operate in GOD's power? Then repent of your sins and speak out HIS WORD in faith and let them frame a life full of blessing for you!


Scripture Study: Genesis 1

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