
你们若不悔改But unless you repent

已有 69 次阅读3-1-2015 17:36 |系统分类:情感原创













But unless you repent


Pro. 22:4 – By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life.


Shalom Brothers n Sisters,


The truly humble followers of CHRIST recognize four things: that they are not GOD; and they can’t think or tell HIM what HE can and cannot do, and that GOD is SOVEREIGN, and we should obey HIM totally (partial obedience is a sin). When we serve our almighty CREATOR with total obedience, humility and gratitude, HE blesses us in ways that stagger our imagination.


JESUS will forgive our sins, but HE warns us to “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you” (John 5:14). JESUS don’t want us to continue sinning against GOD, and HE said,“ - . . . .go and sin no more” (John 8:11).


Are you still living in sins? JESUS told us and is still telling those who call themselves Christians (not true followers of JESUS CHRIST): “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish”(Luke 13:3).Repent .The first command of both John the Baptist and JESUS (Matt. 4:17).


Repentance is not just sorrow for sin but a decisive change, a turning away from sin and to a life of obedience. “Repent” translates the Old Testament call to Israel to “return” to faithfulness to the covenant. It does not mean self-punishment, depression, or remorse. Judas was sorrowful and distressed (Matt. 27:3Then Judas, JESUS’ betrayer, seeing that HE had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, but he did not repent). Was Judas baptized? Do you think that his name is still in the Book of Lamp? What will a righteous GOD do with a person who keeps on sinning against HIM? Do not be deceived by any preaching that is not what JESUS had told us.

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