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Legitime Deep Cleansing Shampoo 300ml 25块/bottle Product of : Korea Sebum Self-Control contains Ivy ingredients that prevents scalp Xerosis (dryness) and provides the moisture and nutrition needed to eliminate the cause of dandruff (bacteria). By using the Complex dandruff prevention ingredients - Zing Pyrithione (ZPT), Climbazole, it reduces the possibility of dandruff. Consisting of aroma oil (Chamomile Oil) that contains excellent antibacterial effects, it gives out a clean and fresh feeling left on the scalp after application while maintaining the moisture content for a long time on the hair and scalp to prevent the scalp Xerosis. Soak the hair and apply approriate amount of tonic to the scalp and hair directly. Then massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes with fingertips. Rinse with water. For better result, repeat this procedure twice. Polyquaterium-10,Cocamidopropyl Betaine,Ammonium Laurethsulfate Climbazole, Triclosan,Benzophenone-5,Menthol,Ci42090,Ci19140,Ci15985,Polyquaterium-7,Propylene Glycol, Cocamide Mea,Clycerine 名称 LEGITIME 深层清洁去屑洗发露 产地 韩国 规格 300ml 质地 纸盒包装 保质期 三年 官方网址 www.welcos.com 主要成分 茶树油、马齿苋提取物 含具有20年历史的研究所研发的8种植物成分和芳香油补养头皮,激活细胞外组织-ECM(Extracelluar Matrix),使头发活力健康。 适合人群 中油性头皮 产品介绍 -深层清洁头皮,加固发根,去除头屑,是一种深层清洁洗发露 -自动去除皮脂(Self Scaling Action)的ADIPATE成分,深层清洁去头皮油脂, -含有复合去头屑成分,控制生成头屑的因子 -含有强抗菌茶树油(Tea Tree Oil),洗发后,头皮清洁清爽 -含有马齿苋提取物,减少外界因素对头皮的影响 *茶树油:清洗皮肤的污垢和灰尘等,防止皮肤长痘痘、脓胞、疖子等 使用方法 洗湿头发,取适量本品,直接涂抹在头皮和毛发上,用指尖按摩2~3分钟,用水清洗。 웰코스 www.welcos.com 웰코스 Legitime Rich Moisture Shampoo 300ml 26块bottle Product of : Korea Mugens Legitime Rich Moisture Shampoo aims to care for the hair through using aroma oil and patented ingredients to improve smooth hair and healthy scalp Soak the hair and apply approriate amount of tonic to the scalp and hair directly. Then massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes with fingertips. Rinse with water. For better result, repeat this procedure twice. Climbazole,Dimethicone,Benzophenone-5,Menthol,Sodium Chloride,CocamideMEA, CocamideDEA,TricetyImoniumChloride,Glycol Distearate,Zinc Pyrithione,Ammonium Laureth Sulfate,Trehalose,Glycerine 名称 LEGITIME 深层滋养洗发露 产地 韩国 规格 300ml 质地 纸盒包装 保质期 三年 官方网址 www.welcos.com 主要成分 常青藤、洋甘菊、马齿笕提取物 适合人群 中干性头皮 产品介绍 -使头皮健康,去除头屑,还使秀发健康柔顺,为滋养滋润洗发露 -自己控制皮脂的常春藤(IVY)成分溶解头皮适量的油分,防止头发干性,营养头发 -洗发后,保湿力持久,使毛发和头皮滋润 -所含复合去头屑成分(吡啶硫酮锌(ZPT), 抑制头屑生成因子;所含强抗菌芳香油(洋甘菊油),清洁头皮,清爽宜人 *洋甘菊油:使头发细腻、柔滑,且有助于头发恢复原色和健康 使用方法 洗湿头发,取适量本品,直接涂抹在头皮和毛发上,用指尖按摩2~3分钟,用水清洗。 Legitime Scalp Air Tonic 200ml 37块/bottle Product of : Korea Direction of use:Shake enough before using.Apply the massage head to scalp 90 degrees and anoint hair lightly.Deliver a light pressure with finger tips.It is recommended to use 1-2 times a day. Soak the hair and apply approriate amount of tonic to the scalp and hair directly. Then massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes with fingertips. Rinse with water. For better result, repeat this procedure twice. 容量:200ml 先摇晃容器,按摩头与头皮形成直角,涂布后用手指轻轻按压, 每天使用一两次效果更佳 -专利防脱发成分直接渗入头皮,利用专门设计的按摩喷嘴,达到头皮按摩效果 -含有从扁松提取的日扁柏素,使头皮和细弱的毛发充满活力、健康 -专门设计的按摩头使有效成分渗透头皮,也有按摩效果 -含有芳香油(佛手柑),使身心放松,深层清洁残留在头皮上的油脂,也具有净化作用,清爽宜人 * 佛手柑:控制头屑和头油,保持好心情 产地:韩国 保质期:三年

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